THE National Pickleball League
The NPL is the premier professional team based Pickleball League in Australia with the best players, the largest prize money and the most exciting, fan-friendly format of Pickleball competition.

Teams are made up of 4 (two male, two female) and compete in 5 Round Robin competition days over the season.
There are 3 separate state based leagues in Melbourne, Sydney & Gold Coast with the best teams from each state league competing in the National Pickleball League FINALS to become the ultimate NPL Champion...
NPL National Championships
The NPL National Championships are the season ending championships for all tournament style events held throughout the year in cities around Australia.

Invites will be based on ranking points and be Invitation Only.

Format will be Singles, Doubles & Teams. There will be the largest tournament competition prize money on offer.

Inaugural NPL National Championships in November 2023.
NPL Championships
The NPL Championships are held in specific cities throughout the year. They are for elite, professional and aspiring Pickleball athletes and the results from these championships impact qualification & invitations to the season ending National Championships.

Format will include Singles & Team Events.
2023 Prize Money will be $12,000 per event

There will be NPL Championships in Melbourne, Sydney & Gold Coast in 2023.
NPL Regional Championships
The NPL Regional Championships are held across the country at affiliated NPL Clubs throughout the year. They are for all Pickleball athletes and club players and provide both a pathway into professional Pickleball as well as an introduction to competition.

Format will include Singles, Team & Masters Events.
2023 Prize Money will be $2,000 per event

Locations for upcoming events will be announced shortly.
NPL Social Leagues
The NPL will run Social Leagues all across Australia to help grow the great game of Pickleball and find our next elite, professional Pickleball athletes.
Leagues will run between 8-10 weeks and are a team based format.
Check out Social Leagues to find a league near you today!
The NPL will be launching it's official NPL Ranking Points system in 2023 with points awarded to the Top 4 players in each division of each tournament, leading to an end of season ranking. More details to come.
Note: The NPL will use DUPR global rating system for Individual Skill assessment.